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Yowie Ale: A Tale of Legends and Brews

Updated: 3 days ago

On August 15, 2001, an intriguing event unfolded on Mulgowie Road, just North of the Mulgowie Hotel - the last documented sighting of a colossal, hairy creature identified as a Yowie. Despite relentless pursuit by dedicated journalists and avid Yowie hunters, this enigmatic creature has managed to remain concealed, leaving the Mulgowie Yowie as an indelible mark on local lore.

Venturing across continents to the USA in Callaway, Virginia, we found Chaos Mountain Brewing paying homage to the formidable Sasquatch with their creation, Squatch Ale. This rich and robust Scotch Ale, known as a Wee Heavy, captured our attention during our time spent in that corner of the world.

Drawing inspiration from our Scottish heritage, regional legends, and personal encounters, we embarked on our journey to craft our interpretation of a Wee Heavy. It is with this fusion of influences that Yowie Ale was born.

Our label, a testament to the brew's essence, encapsulates a fusion of darkness and strength, mirroring the character of the beer itself.

Yowie Ale Label

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