The “Fellowship of the Haze” is a tribute to our Hobbity friends, who also liked a brew or two! 🍻 This limited-edition Hazy Pale Ale is a special collaboration between 4 Hearts and Stony Creek Brewing, commemorating the coming together of two fine brews.
For the can collectors out there, this highly sought-after design is a must-have for your collection. Don't miss out!
📅 Brews Available : Wednesday - Sunday 📍 Stony Creek Brewing, at the old Pumpyard 🏠 88 Limestone St, Ipswich
📲 Book a table:
#StonyCreekBrewing #FellowshipOfTheHaze #4HeartsBrewing #HazyPaleAle #LimitedEdition #CanCollectors #CraftBeer #IpswichEats #askforindiebeer

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